The dedication ceremony was celebrated in Melbourne, Australia on the auspicious day Yud Alef Shevat, 5711 corresponding to Sunday, January 16, 2011. The special Torah parade began at 11:00am at the Botanical Gardens opposite Elwood Shule, 39 Dickens Street, Elwood, followed by the ceremony at the Shule and a L’Chaim at the adjoining Karafka Hall. All were cordially invited.
This Torah, which is being offered to the Australian Jewish community for communal and personal short term use, well-reflects Rabbi Kramer’s far reaching and widespread impact on the unity and the education of the Jewish people spanning the globe.
The Torah’s crown is dedicated in memory of Rabbi Kramer’s grand-daughter, Liba Devorah Gutnick OBM.
Please see the content on The Writing & The Crown